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“Media literacy: take the noodles off your ears”

“Media literacy: take the noodles off your ears” “Media literacy: take the noodles off your ears”One of the main risks which people will have to face in the nearest future is a growing cyber addiction which may result in new risks: sociocultural, economical and technological ones according to the report published by Global economical forum in Davos in 2017

UNESCO emphasizes the role of media literacy as a vital competence of the digital epoch. 

“Media literacy: take the noodles off your ears” “Media literacy: take the noodles off your ears”

Distortion of the data in media proves an increasing necessity of education directed at the critical perception of means of mass communication and data space in general. It should help us think over  not only the notion of media but also its political and etiquette basics. 

Olga Vitalyevna Zubrenko, the librarian of  Kharkiv oblast scientific national library narrated about what a notion of media literacy includes, about a necessity of  its mastering and developing of skills of perception. 

There was held a second class on media literacy in Belinskiy central city library for the personnel of the public libraries of  Kharkiv on the 16th of March, 2018.


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