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“Meetings by a fireplace”

Belinskiy central city library is well- known as cultural centre which has its long and interesting history. For more than 80 years form the day of foundation there has been formed a special approach to cultural- enlightening work. 

“Meetings by a fireplace” “Meetings by a fireplace”

A vital course in the activity of Belinskiy central city library has always been a cooperation with cultural and educational institutions of our city which has always been making a united activity of all the interested sides wealthier and more interesting. 

Our library has been maintaining friendly relations with a Kharkiv’s department of the national Union of writers of Ukraine for many years, that’s why with the purpose of increasing of efficiency of cultural – enlightening activity there was developed a joint literary – musical project “Meetings by a fireplace, which doubtlessly will become an interesting creative stage for gifted Kharkiv citizens and creative collectives of our city. 

“Meetings by a fireplace” “Meetings by a fireplace”

With a great success there was held a literary- musical evening by a 85th anniversary of Robert Rozhdestvenskiy’s birthday “Everything begins with love” in a hall of Kharkiv’s department of a national Union of the writers of Ukraine on the 30th of November, 2017. 

An author and host of the literary – musical project “Meetings by a fireplace” Lidiya Prilutskaya narrated a difficult life and a creative way of a famous poet, introduced the audience with biographical books of his daughter. 

“Meetings by a fireplace” “Meetings by a fireplace”

A famous Kharkiv’s actor Anatoliy Konkov was reading  Robert Rozhdestvenskiy’s lyrical poetry and fragments from his poems “Requiem” and “ A letter to the 30th century”.

An ornament of the literary – musical evening “ Everything begins with love” were well –known Robert Rozhdestvenskiy’s songs, which were perfectly performed by talented soloists Stanislav Fishkin, Svetlana Kolentseva, Kirill Tishchenko and concertmaster Lyudmila Kvitchenko.

Kharkiv’s admirers of  Robert Rozhdestvenskiy’s poetry enjoyed a festive evening and a literary- musical project “Meetings by a fireplace” in general. They were talking to the author and a host Lidiya Prilutskaya, were thanking the performers of the poetry and songs of a great poet. 

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