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Project activity of public libraries of the city of Kharkiv

Project activity of public libraries of the city of Kharkiv

A city seminar “Project activity of public libraries of the city of Kharkiv” took place in Belinskiy central city library on the 25th of May, 2017. Twenty six specialists from all the regional central libraries took part in the activity of the seminar, shared their experience in realization of different library projects. 

Library projects are social, non- commercial, they are meant for the changing of the situation in the field of provision of more comprehensive and efficient access to the data and library services. The conditions of the efficiency of library projects are aiming of the libraries at cooperation and teamwork with other libraries, informative and cultural institutions, local authorities, non- commercial organizations. 

Deputy director on the issues of management and problem – analytical issues Mariya Medvedskaya pretented a project of the social adaptation of internally displaced people which is being financed by German government and German federal company GIZ together with Kharkiv’s department of Ukrainian librarian association. Its logo is “ We’re unifying the society with knowledge”. 

The purpose of the project is: assistance in education, creative self- realization and social adaptation fro the people forced to change their place of residence as a result of a war in the Eastern Ukraine.

In the frameworks of the project there were held

-a fair of higher education institutions;

-trainins on vocational guidance

-courses on the basics of computer graphics

-trainings on internet security

-outside training on media literacy

-master classes of efficient communication 

-psychological trainings on stress resistance. 

There was a solemn opening of an internet centre with 8 work places in Kharkiv’s oblast library for youth on the 17th of May, 2017. Using of the internet centre is free of charge. 

Deputy director on innovations of Belinskiy central city library Serenko Iryna introduced the realization of the project “Corporative net of the public libraries of  Kharkiv” to all the people gathered. 

The project is over 10 years old. Many things have been achieved over this period of time. The set targets are being solved step by step. Unifying of information resources of the public libraries, creation of the unified information space; comprehensive and rapid satisfaction of information inquiries of the users based on corporative resources; integration of informational resources of the public libraries of the region into global informational space; rational using of internal resources based on unifying of labor efforts of the libraries. 

Project activity of public libraries of the city of Kharkiv

Formation of the corporative electronic catalogue is the main assignment of the Project. Since 2007 all the libraries- participants have been working on the creation of electronic catalogue. The descriptions of the new arrivals of the books and other instruments have been introduced, analytical writing of the articles from periodicals and digests as well. Since 2012 there was a retro input of the funds of the libraries. Since 2016 Electronic catalogue of the corporative net of public libraries of the city of Kharkiv has been available for users on the internet, and was posted on the sites of the libraries- participants. By now electronic catalogue counts up about 100 000 posts about books and  other documents. 

The project is being developed, the solution of these problems are on the agenda: the formation of digital collections; organization of electronic delivery of the documents and united virtual reference service; organization of electronic delivery of the books on the base of a single reader’s card of the readers in the libraries- participants of the corporation.

Valentina Ivanovna, the chairman of the Central librarian system of the Slobodskoy district narrated about the work of the Station of the European information, which has been working in Turgenev central library on the project “Everything about Europe: read, listen, lean at the station of theEuropean info in the libraries”. The purposes of the work of the stations are spreading of the official info about EU, popularization of European values, European education, broadening of knowledge about national, cultural and spiritual values of the countries of Europe and what is the most important- inculcation of the sense of belongingof our state to European folks and indisputability of of European choice in the future. In the framework of the project there are hald: virtual travelling about the countries of Europe, cognitive games, topical classes in language- café, readers have an access to the virtual library of the agency of Eu in Europe. 

Project activity of public libraries of the city of Kharkiv

One more station of the European information in a library- branch No.22 was opened in the Central city library of the Slobodskoy district on the 18th of May. 

“Open your hometown” – this is the name of the project presented by the director of the Central city library of Novobavarskiy district Elena Muntyanova. The main purpose of the project is researching of and popularization of the history of Kharkiv’s region. In the frameworks of the project of the libraries: pick up the primary sources of the local history literature, complete funds of the local history literature, publish topical digests with the info on Novobavarskiy district, calendars of famous dates, chronics of the events, the dossier on the monuments of arthitecture, on a daily basis there are held local history readings, the clubs of the history amateurs are working; meetings with Kharkiv’s writers, poets and local historians are being organized.

Lyudmila Strelnikova, a librarian of the department of service of Checkov central city library introduced a complex of pilot projects “Art kovchieg” to the colleagues which has recently started in the library. In the programs of the project there are such readers’ activities: active long living: dietologist’s lectures, practical classes on Scandinavian walk, club “Chess iseland”, classes of neurographic, master classes on fine arts for children and adults; disputes, games, ecological landings, classes of courage. 

Anna Obedikhina and Viktoriya Bandurko presented the projects of the Central library of Nemishlyanskiy district. 

1.“Young talents of Kharkiv”. Aims and tasks of the project: organization of free of charge literary courses and trainings for writers- beginners, publishing of a literary almanac with the best works of young talents, exhibition – fair of the creative works of the young talents, organization of district scale concerts for young performers ; formation of partnership between the photographers of Kharkiv , for holding of master classes, photo- contests, photo- exhibitions for youth. 

2.A school of a mature personality” Aim: provision of free psychological assistance and support of the inhabitants of Nemishlyanskiy district. 

3.“Right and life” . Aim: creation of conditions for formation of legal culture among the population of Nemishlyanskiy district of Kharkiv. Perspectives: broadening of partnership with public organizations, lawyers, students of  Juditial deprtments, polithologists, Mass Media; Provision of legal assistance online on the official page of the library in social nets, free of charge consultation of the experienced lawyer. 

Moskovskaya library was presented by Elena Khramtsova, a manager of the library – branch No. 32, she narrated about a sociocultural project “A Theatre of a book”. A project in which all of the libraries are engagedis directed to a promotion of the literature and reading  by means of theatrical art. Doll thatre “Gold key”, theatre- book “A fairytale” are available in the libraries, festivals of songs and music are held. 

Project activity of public libraries of the city of Kharkiv

It is decided unanimously that projects are necessary for libraries and they are important! As a result of efficient realized library project as a rule now educational, informative and cultural and social services, new opportunities, new structures emerge. An ideal project is the project the benefit of which does not end with it, the results are stable and the successful experience is being used by other people and organizations. 

На нашому сайті з'явився ресурс, який допоможе знайти найближчу до вас бібліотеку, дізнатися, як з нею зв'язатися і скористатися її послугами. Будемо ближче в цифровому і реальному світі!
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