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The library in virtual space

The library in virtual space The library in virtual space

Internet, social networks –are places for meetings, searching of friends, like-minders, this is a place of communication. The number of users of social nets is growing day by day. Here you can exchange music, photo, video, to set up your own account, to chat with friends, which are in any country of the world , and if wished- to see them, listen to them and talk to them. 

How did the activity of libraries with coming of the internet changed, how do libraries position themselves in social nets, do they know about us in virtual space?

The library in virtual space The library in virtual space

Yes, they do.

The libraries use a unique opportunity which internet provides- the opportunity of chatting with a reader, and readers can talk to one another. 

«Facebook» - is a largest social network in the world. The resource is interesting because it’s very convenient to chat, organize and maintain contacts. Here the libraries create their profiles – librarian agencies.

How to make a comer who visited a profile of the library in Facebook become interested and become its active user?

The library in virtual space The library in virtual space

This the people gathered were learning at the training “The library in virtual space” in Belinskiy central city library on the 12-13 of April, 2017. The training was held in friendly atmosphere. Our couches Sotskov Oleg Vladimirovich and Antonina Tishchenko narrated on the tendencies for the libraries in social media and were showing: how to create a podcast, to write an impressing note, how to post necessary information and photos on their account on Facebook. The theory was being turned by practice and on the contrary. We were working as experts of accounts, were quarreling and were giving birth to the truth. 

Two days passed like a moment. We enjoyed the talking so much and we got a great deal of pleasure which we will apply promoting the libraries in Facebook.

See you offline and online! 

На нашому сайті з'явився ресурс, який допоможе знайти найближчу до вас бібліотеку, дізнатися, як з нею зв'язатися і скористатися її послугами. Будемо ближче в цифровому і реальному світі!
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